
Pink peach blossoms

The temps are still a bit up and down, but for the most part, Spring has arrived in the Carolinas. I absolutely love this season - the flowers in bloom and warm afternoon sunshine bring such a renewed sense of joy and hope after a long winter. It's also a great reflection of this period of my life.

There was a time a few years ago, in the middle of the waiting and wondering, where I questioned God's timing and even sometimes His willingness to respond to the aches of my heart. I have traversed through that Winter, though, and found that God was with me and listening the whole time. God has been so gracious and tender with my heart lately as I learn to trust and obey Him on a deeper level. There were whispered prayers from a year ago that were never expected to be heard, let alone answered, yet God has chosen to respond in beautiful and generous ways recently. I have been overwhelmed and in turn fallen deeper in love with my Lord. 

It's also been a Spring-like season in my marriage. In the process of taking this new adventure (or really adventures) together, I have come to appreciate my husband and his giftings on a whole new level. I feel so honored and blessed to have him in my life and to serve by his side. 

In Bambi (one of family's favorite Disney movies), we see the effect Spring has on the whole forest. There is color, wonder, excitement, beauty, and love. Stepping out of the Winter of Waiting and taking a few risks has enabled the Song of Spring to affect my whole perspective in much the same way. In this current season of life, there is also color, wonder, excitement, joy, and a deeper love. 

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