The Urgency

I have been an emotional mess recently. A couple of days ago, I spoke to a dear friend in eastern North Carolina who has helped to rescue over 15 horses from a situation of neglect and starvation at a local farm. Several horses died, but she has been able to place many of those that remain in foster homes, while taking 5 herself. There are just three remaining and all of them are in dire need of proper food, medical attention, and love.
This dear friend, knowing that we have a heart for those in need of rescue and see value in what others may toss aside, asked if we would be willing to foster and possibly adopt one of the three remaining horses. This was her description: We have a young gelding who has been through so much. He watched his mother die from starvation, has been starved, and has a deformity possibly from malnutrition. He has the sweetest face and is very nice looking. His front left pastern turns in but he compensates and it sound. He could be used for trails but is not going to be a high performance horse. He is thought to be registered. He needs to know what it is to be loved."
To many people this little gelding might sound like a train wreck. To me, he sounds perfect. He is in need of a second chance and a purpose in life. Can you just imagine the hope he could offer a child if they saw what he has endured? If we could take him, if we could help him, I think he could be such a positive example for all the kids who have been through so many hurts in their own life. He's deformed, neglected, and damaged, but He is seen and loved by the One who created him and watches over even the sparrows. How could I not also be moved to want to do the same?
So why am I weeping as I type this? Because there is a slight problem in us being an answer to this little horse's problem. We are at the beginning stages of the ranch. We have no non-profit status, no fencing, no barn, and no funding. I have no doubt that all of that will fall into place since we are working hard in that direction, but it hurts to have to say no. Especially when I received a picture of this sweet, sweet boy. It breaks my heart, because I know how dire his situation is and that me saying no might mean he actually starves to death. I feel the weight of his future on my shoulders and I just ache.
I know I can't save them all, but I really want to help this one. So, this whole situation has lit a fire in me and rekindled my motivation. I feel the urgency to act and know that even when I feel overwhelmed and unworthy in this process, I must keep pushing forward. There are hurting kids and neglected horses who need a safe place and need to know the saving, healing grace of Jesus.