Taking in the View

Apparently prepping my 501(c)3 paperwork, taking part in a youth Winter Retreat weekend, painting a new house, subbing at a preschool, packing up the apartment, and moving in has created a little bit of a whirlwind in my life because I’m all off schedule on my blogging this week. It’s been easy to get caught up in trying to juggle a thousand things at once as a mom, wife, volunteer, and founder of a new non-profit ministry. There are days when I feel like I can handle it all, and there are days when I’m running around and leaving dirty dishes and laundry and unfinished projects in my wake.
This is where our daughter Brynley is such a great example for me. She continually just lives in the moment and enjoys life as it comes – and she enjoys it to the fullest. The other day, she received all of her Valentines from her classmates and proceeded to go through each individual one with me. “Mommy, this one has a Ninja Turtle on it! And, it’s from Dylan! Isn’t it awesome? He’s my friend. And, look, it came with a sticker!” She must have spent at least 5 minutes on each card and note (and with 16 classmates, that took most of our drive in the van). She took her time fully dwelling on the gifts she had received. I ended up smiling right along with her and realized how powerfully encouraging it is to take a moment and count your blessings.
There definitely is quite a bit going on in my life right now, but there is always time to pause and reflect on all that God has done and is doing. So, I took a step out on the porch of our new house, took in the view of the property, and paused. I thought about how God had led us to a place where Devin could continue ministering to the next generation, where we could be a part of a thriving church, where we could build deep community, where we could make a home, and where we could launch a new ministry. These were all things God initiated and put into motion. Without Him, we wouldn't be following His call or pursuing His dreams. It was beautiful to take a moment to rest in the understanding that it doesn't all fall on my shoulders and that He hears the whispers of our hearts.
Now back to all that paperwork... :)