Ranch Style VSB
A couple of months ago, a family friend and Ranch Champion approached us and shared that her church was planning a ranch-themed VBS this year called Avalanche Ranch. She also said that they typically have a mission focus to sponsor in some way for the week and that their church would like to support Bright Side. Needless to say, we were absolutely thrilled!
Devin and I sent booklets, magnets, and bookmarks for them to take home, and we put together a series of short videos for the kids explaining what Bright Side is all about. We had so much fun thinking about the kids and praying for them to learn about God and develop a living relationship with Jesus.

I'm so happy to announce that First United Methodist Church (located in Carrollton, Ohio) held their Vacation Bible School this past week. And, this is what we heard from our friend:
"I have to tell you that it was a 'God' thing that happened at our VBS this week with your horse dream. We just could not believe how our kids got into your dream! We don’t know if it was your videos, all the horse pictures and saddles around the church, or just God working on everyone’s hearts, but it was very exciting! We always have a contest between the boys and girls to see who will bring in the most money...The girls won the first 3 days, so several of us helped out the boys yesterday and they won by $30."
We love kids and never count them out in all that God has in store for accomplishing a purpose. Those sweet kids and this amazing congregation raised over $800! Devin and I were brought to tears by their generosity. This especially moved Devin's heart as this is the church where he grew up, first learned about Jesus, and felt a call to ministry.
This was a great experience, and we look forward to more opportunities like this in the future!