No Stopping Point
I recently listened to a postcast interview with Shelley Giglio (wife of Louie Giglio, co-Founder of Passion Conferences, and Chief Strategist and Band Manager for sixstepsrecords). She and Louie have partnered in student ministry over 20 years, and I have loved watching them take seemingly enormous leaps of faith in following God's call on their lives in marriage and ministry.
In this interview, Shelley responded that there is "no stopping point in following God." We like to think that there is a moment where we arrive. We've made it. We have trusted and come to a point where we don't have to rely on God daily for everything. However, the initial step out in faith is just that - a beginning. What we find is that the more we step out in faith and respond in obedience to God's call, more is continually asked of us.
This was such a great statement for me, and my heart resonated deeply with what she shared. Preparing to leave a home and community after 8 years of growth and connecting was incredibly hard, ad I had to depend on God daily for wisdom and direction. Then, actually moving to a new location and adjusting to new routines and dynamics required me to ask God daily for strength to transition well and develop new roots. Next, looking for land and a house had me on my knees seeking God's timing and providence. And now? Still not a day goes by without me looking at what's before me and knowing I can't handle it on my own. Walking in obedience to God's call and stepping out in faith often brings circumstances or situations that are far beyond our control, but that also brings a perfect opportunity for us to lift our worries, fears, struggles, and inadequacies up to God for Him to work through and bring glory to Himself.
The past year, and the last six months especially, have revealed to me that God is capable of so much more than I ever thought or imagined. And, all it took was being willing to follow where God was leading. There is certainly no stopping point for me as Bright Side is just starting to become a reality, and I'm so grateful. Moments of trust lead to moments of obedience, and when the fruit of that obedience meets God's faithfulness, it's beautiful.