Lessons Learned from Frozen

On Thanksgiving, after stuffing ourselves with turkey and all the fixin’s, my sister-in-law and I took all the kids out to see the new Disney movie Frozen. It was cute and funny, and our families loved all the music. Going into the theater, I knew that it was loosely based on Hans Christian Anderson’s story The Snow Queen, and after watching such an engaging interpretation, I wanted to learn more about the background. (There’s that “learner” part in me coming out again). I looked up a few sites and found some interesting details, like the fact that Disney has wanted to do a version of The Snow Queen since 1943. That’s been 70 years of picking up a story, trying to make it work, and then setting it down. Wow, and I thought our dream was taking time to become a reality! While I sincerely don’t believe it will take 70 years to open the gates of Bright Side Youth Ranch, I did connect with the process of shaping and reshaping a dream. The vision and the heart of using horses as a platform to minister to the hearts of kids has never changed, but the dream of what that looks like and the process of how to make it work has been molded and expanded over the years. Waiting has been one of the hardest parts, but I’ve learned that vision and passion don’t have to diminish with time. Sometimes, it is in the waiting and reworking that we really see a better picture of what could happen.