Crazy Awesome

This has been such a crazy yet amazing last couple of weeks at Bright Side and in our personal lives. Devin and I are just coming off of a youth mission trip to Moore, Oklahoma, and while I'm recovering from a head cold (which I'm sure has nothing to do with long days and lack of sleep), we are so grateful for how God worked in and through us. We may not bounce back as quickly as we did in our younger years, but we treasure these experiences with the youth. What an incredible opportunity to watch them grow and stretch in their faith and trust and see them step out of their comfort zones. It's also so great for our marriage to serve together on trips like that.
As if driving over 2500 miles round trip last week wasn't enough time together or held enough adventure, Devin, the kids, and I are making a quick run up to Illinois/Wisconsin to pick up my horse. (Did I say quick? Yeah, if you call almost 30 hours of driving in a couple of days quick.)
My horse Alex has been dealing with a locking stifle and can no longer be used for jumping lessons. For those of you who are wondering what a stifle is and how it could possibly lock, it is basically like a knee cap on the hind leg that will catch and lock in place. There are various thoughts on treatments out there, and we will be looking for answers in the near future. Whatever might be down the road concerning his lameness , Big Al needs to move from being a lesson horse in Illinois. We were hoping to have him come here to Bright Side, but our property is not ready to hold horses just yet. So, Alex will be staying with a friend of mine in Kentucky and will hang out with her herd until we are ready to bring him all the way home. This might all be happening quite a bit sooner than planned, but we are thrilled to see the big guy and have him that much closer to us.
Also, this week, all of our paperwork officially gets handed over to the IRS. Yay! Pardon me for a moment while I do a little happy dance! While we do have to wait on the approval for the nonprofit, words can not describe how excited I am to have this step completed.
What a week of blessings!